Wednesday, May 19, 2021


 "'I pray not only for these; but also for those who through their word will believe in ME.  May they all be one, as YOU FATHER are in ME and I AM in YOU.  May they be one in US, so that the world may believe that YOU have sent ME.

I have given them the glory YOU have given ME, that they may one as WE ARE one: I in them and YOU in ME.  Thus they shall reach perfection in unity; and the world shall know that YOU have sent ME, and that I have loved them, just as YOU loved ME.

FATHER, since YOU have given them to ME, I want them to be with ME where I AM, and see the glory YOU gave ME, for YOU loved ME before the foundation of the world.

Righteous FATHER, the world has not known YOU, but I have known YOU, and these have known that YOU have sent ME.  As I revealed YOUR name to them, so will I continue to reveal it, so that the love with which YOU loved ME may be in them, and I also may be in them.'" - John 17:20-26 

(Ecumenism, that is, efforts to reconcile in truth and bring the Churches together, demands that we overcome the new dissensions that threaten the internal unity of the Church.  All of us must work so that the unity of all Christians may be realized as CHRIST desires, and by the means HE wants.  In any case, nothing can be done without obeying the truth and doing the truth.  In no way can we disregard Peter's charism of unity that is granted to Peter's successors.)


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