Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Promise Of A New Presence

 "A little while, and you will see ME no more; and then a little while, and you will see ME.

Some of the disciples wondered, 'What does HE mean by, 'A little while, and you will not see ME; and then a little while, and you will see ME'?  And why did HE say, 'I go to the FATHER '?'  And they said to one another, 'What does HE mean by 'a little while'?  We don't understand.'

JESUS knew that they wanted to question HIM; so HE said to them, 'You are puzzled because I told you that in a little while you will see ME no more, and then a little while later you will see ME.

Truly, I say to you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices.  You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn to joy.'" - John 16:16-20 

(JESUS is in our midst, but to be aware of HIS presence requires faith.  HE HIMSELF said: "You will see ME because you live and I also live [14:19]."  It is not important that we feel HIS presence, what matters is to persevere in HIS ways.  In order to attain mature faith, it is necessary that we deprived of the consolation of HIS presence for more or less prolonged periods: a little while, and you will see ME no more.

For HIS disciples this happened for the first time at the moment of HIS death; later they saw HIM risen from the dead.  This will come true for us at the end of time, when we discover the glorious CHRIST whom we have awaited in faith.  No one should feel overconfident about feeling HIS presence, for example, after a conversion.  When everything seems easy, we should not look down on those who find it hard to believe or who have never felt the presence of GOD .  In a little while, perhaps, the LORD will leave us in darkness.

After JESUS rose from the dead, a real companionship would be established between HIM and HIS disciples: HE would speak to them clearly of the FATHER; they would ask in HIS name.)


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