Saturday, May 01, 2021

The Messianic Kingship: Warning To Ruler And Nations

 "'Behold the king I have installed,
in Zion, upon MY holy hill!'

I will proclaim the decree of YAHWEH.
HE said to ME: 'YOU are MY son.
This day I have begotten YOU.
Ask of ME, and I will give YOU 
the nations for YOUR inheritance;
the ends of the earth, for YOUR possession.
YOU shall rule them with iron scepter
and shatter them as a potter's vase.'

Now therefore, learn wisdom, O kings;
be warned, O rulers of the earth.
Serve YAHWEH with fear
and fall at HIS feet;
lest HE be angry; and you perish
when HIS anger suddenly flares.
Blessed are all who take refuge in HIM!"
- Psalm 2:6-11

(Temple and palace stood side by side on Zion.  GOD's arm supported the scepter of the anointed Davidic king, HIS 'CHRIST'.  On this same hill our LORD declared HIMSELF both Temple and King--shrine of the Godhead and ruler of the world.  The earliest Church, therefore, seized upon our psalm: 'JESUS is the victorious anointed of David's stock' [Acts 4:25ff]; HE rules 'with an iron rod... and on HIS armor is written King of kings' [Revelation 19:15-16].  The victory is won not by this world's kings [by Antipas and Pilate], not by the 'princes' or leaders of Israel, but by the one they crucified [Acts 4:26-27] who initially was proclaimed: "YOU are MY Son.  This day I have begotten YOU" [Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5 and Luke 3:22].  The persecution of Christians and the passion of CHRIST are one and the same [Acts 4:29], and the victory of resurrection is equally assured.  On Christian lips, our psalm is a song of defiance of the spirit in the name of GOD and trust in our sure refuge.)

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