Thursday, May 13, 2021

To The GOD Of Glory And Compassion: A Psalm Of Worship

Praise, O servants of YAHWEH,
praise the name of YAHWEH!
Blessed be the name of YAHWEH
now and forever!
From eastern lands to the western islands,
may the name of YAHWEH be praised!

YAHWEH is exalted over the nations;
HIS glory above the heavens.
Who is like YAHWEH our GOD,
who sits enthroned on high,
but also bends down to see
on earth as in heaven?

HE lifts up the poor from the dust
and the needy from the ash heap.
HE makes them sit with princes,
with rulers of HIS people."
- Psalm 113: 1-2. 3-4. 5-6. 7-8

(The psalmist urges the people to offer praise to the Almighty LORD of heaven and earth.  GOD calls them HIS own height.

What distinguishes GOD from humans is not the infinity of HIS creation, but HIS way of being with us, HIS preference for what many despise.  GOD likes to choose poor instruments, to achieve HIS great deeds of grace.

Our GOD does not remain isolated in heaven.  HE has come down to earth.  HE has become one of us, identified with those who are helpless.  With the present psalm, let us exalt the Name of the LORD, great and sublime.)

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