Sunday, May 09, 2021

The Spirit Will Come

 "From the FATHER, I will send you the Spirit of truth.  When this Helper has come from the FATHER, HE will be MY witness, and you, too, will be MY witnesses, for you have been with ME from the beginning." - John 15:26-27 

(The FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT.  In making us children of HIS FATHER, JESUS enables us to discover the intimate mystery of GOD.  In  GOD there is communion among the three persons: the FATHER, the SON and their common SPIRIT.

We speak of their common Spirit, because JESUS said both: The FATHER will give you another Helper [14:16] and: The Helper which I will send you [15:26].  Now HE says: HE will take what is MINE and tell it to you: everything that the FATHER has is also MINE [16:15].

"The Spirit" is not a poetic figure:  it is Someone.  This has already been commented on [John 7:37; 14:1].

Starting from the day of Pentecost, the Spirit began to act in the Church, thus showing that HE was the Spirit of CHRIST.  The unbelieving Jews thought that GOD was with them, but in reality HIS Spirit did not act among them.  So it was clear that they had sinned [16:9] for not believing in CHRIST.)


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