Wednesday, July 05, 2017

They Begged JESUS To Leave

"When JESUS reached Gadara, on the other side, HE was met by two men, possessed by devils, who came out from the tombs.  They were so fierce that no one dared to pass that way.  They cried out, 'Son of GOD, leave us alone!  Have YOU come here to torment us before the time?'
Some distance away there was a large herd of pigs feeding.  So the demons begged HIM, 'If YOU drive us out, send us into that herd of pigs.'  JESUS ordered them, 'Go!'  So the demons left the men and went into the pigs.  The whole herd rushed down the cliff into the lake and was drowned.
The men in charge of the pigs ran off to the town, where they told the whole story; and also what had happened to the men possessed with the demons.  The whole town went out to meet JESUS; and when they saw HIM, they begged HIM to leave their region." - Matthew 8:28-34 

(The herd rushed down [see Mark 5:13 and Luke 8:33].  The actual text of Mark says, "two thousand pigs rushed."  This is an incredible number, for such large herds of pigs were never seen.  In Hebrew, the word for herds is only distinguished from the word for 2,000 by an accent mark.  Probably a mistake was made when Mark's Gospel was written in Greek.)

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