Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Raising Of Lazarus

"Many Jews had come to Martha and Mary, after the death of their brother, to comfort them.
When Martha heard that JESUS was coming, she went to meet HIM, while Mary remained sitting in the house.  Martha said to JESUS, 'If YOU had been here, my brother would not have died.  But I know that whatever YOU ask from GOD, GOD will give YOU.'  JESUS said, 'Your brother will rise again.'
Martha replied, 'I know that he will rise in the resurrection, at the last day.'  But JESUS said to her, 'I AM the resurrection.  Whoever believes in ME, though he die, shall live.  Whoever lives and believes in ME will never die.  Do you believe this?'
Martha then answered, 'Yes, LORD, I have come to believe that YOU are the CHRIST, the Son of GOD, HE who is coming into the world.'" - John 11:19-27 

(I have come to believe that YOU are the CHRIST.  What more extraordinary profession of faith is there than Martha's!  It is like Peter's [Matthew 16:16], and in a short while it will be Mary who will tell about the resurrection to the same apostles.  Truly the Gospel is not male chauvinist, nor does it enthrone ecclesiastical hierarchy.)      

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