Sunday, July 30, 2017

Give Your Servant An Understanding Heart

"It was in Gibeon, during the night, that YAHWEH appeared to Solomon in a dream and said, 'Ask what you want ME to give you.'
Solomon answered, 'YOU have shown YOUR servant David my father a great and steadfast love because he served YOU faithfully and was righteous and sincere towards YOU.  YOU have given him proof of YOUR steadfast love in making a son of his sit on his throne this day.  And now, O YAHWEH my GOD, YOU have made YOUR servant king in place of David my father, although I am but a young boy who does not know how to undertake anything.  Meantime, YOUR servant is in the midst of YOUR people whom YOU have chosen--a people so great that they can neither be numbered nor counted.
Give me, therefore, an understanding mind in governing YOUR people that I may discern between good and evil.  For who is able to govern this multitude of people of YOURS?'
YAHWEH was pleased that Solomon had made this request.  And HE told him, 'Because you have requested this rather than long life or wealth or even vengeance on your enemies; indeed, because you have asked for yourself understanding to discern what is right, I shall grant you your request.  I now give you a wise and discerning mind such as no one has had before you nor anyone after you shall ever have." - 1 Kings 3:5-12
Solomon's Dream

(Solomon's "dream" is very famous.  Perhaps this dream is only a parable by which the author of the book describes Solomon's disposition when he began his reign.

Ask what you want.  This is GOD's offer to the young Solomon, HIS beloved one.  It is GOD's offer to any young person who is faced with responsibilities for the first time.  Life will not be a destiny imposed upon him or her; rather, one way or another, GOD will give people what they desire.  What do you seek?  [see John 1:38].

YOU have shown YOUR servant David my father a great and steadfast love.  The young king does not start from scratch.  He owes everything he has to his ancestors, and everything he has from them came from GOD.  Solomon knows that YAHWEH committed HIMSELF to David forever: "I shall never reject your children."

Give me an understanding mind in governing YOUR people.  Solomon is concerned about carrying out his responsibilities and does not want the people to be robbed of their expectations.

Nevertheless, Solomon has in mind other forms of "wisdom" that were appreciated in those days:
- to prepare for himself a long and quiet life, not to have problems or troubles, and to be spared the sacrifices required by a noble life;
- wealth, enjoyment of life, "to be comfortable";
- the death of his enemies, i.e., strength that leads to victory, satisfaction of one's personal pride.

I now give you a wise and discerning mind: I will also give you what you have not asked for.  This is the same teaching of JESUS in Matthew 6:33.)


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