Saturday, July 08, 2017

Praise The LORD For HE Is Good!


Praise the name of YAHWEH.  O servants of YAHWEH, praise HIM, you, who serve in the house of YAHWEH, in the courts of the house of our GOD.

Praise YAHWEH, for HE is good; praise the name, for it is beautiful;

for YAHWEH has chosen Jacob as HIS own, Israel as his possession.

I know that YAHWEH is great, that  our YAHWEH is above all gods.

Whatever YAHWEH pleases, HE does--in heaven and on earth, in the seas and in their depths.
- Psalm 135:1-6

(GOD, the living GOD, has cast out the prince of this world, has broken the power of the kingdom of evil, and formed for HIMSELF a holy nation, a kingdom of priests.

GOD shows HIS mercy each day, lets us know HIS Name.  That is why we can continue the blessing initiated in the Temple of Jerusalem, praying with this psalm.

The psalmist is all praise for GOD, and encourages us to do likewise.  JESUS in John 4:23 tells us to worship in spirit and truth for that is the kind of worship GOD wants.  St. Paul tells us in Romans 12:2, 'You must discern the will of GOD, what is good, what pleases, what is perfect.'  If we are true disciples of CHRIST, we will know the truth and the truth will set us free [John 8:32].) 

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