Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The LORD Is Kind And Merciful

"Praise YAHWEH, my soul; all my being, praise HIS holy name!
Praise YAHWEH, my soul, and do not forget all HIS kindness; HE forgives all your sins and
heals all your sickness; HE redeems your life
from destruction and crowns you with love and
compassion; HE gives fulfillment to your years,
and renews your youth like the eagle's.
YAHWEH restores justice and secures the rights of the oppressed.
HE has made known HIS ways to Moses; and
HIS deeds, to the people of Israel."
- Psalm 103:1-7

(The Christian lives joyfully in the paradox that our GOD is higher than the heavens, and yet, is close to us in love and mercy.  Our gratitude for HIS mercy merges naturally into a hymn of praise, for HIS greatness.  When we think how great HE is, it is not to think how far away HE is, but how much HE loves us to come down to us.

GOD is a FATHER full of mercy.  Is it necessary to quote a text from the New Testament?  A good one is that of the prodigal son [Luke 15:11-32] or the prayer of JESUS on the cross [Luke 23:34 or Romans 8:31-34].  They show us the depth of GOD's love, mercy and forgiveness.  Let us praise the LORD, together with everything created: in moments of joy, as well as in hours of sadness, both when we have strength or when we live in fragility.)

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