Monday, July 24, 2017

"Happy Are The People Who Know How To Praise."

"Then Moses and the people sang this song to YAHWEH:

I will sing to YAHWEH, the glorious one,
horse and rider HE has thrown into the sea.
YAHWEH is my strength and my song,
and HE is my salvation.
HE is my GOD and I will praise HIM.
YAHWEH is a warrior; YAHWEH is HIS name.
The chariots of Pharaoh and his army
HE has hurled into the sea;
his chosen officers were drowned in the Red Sea.
The deep covers them;
they went down like a stone. 

YOUR hand, O YAHWEH, glorious and powerful,
YOUR right hand, O YAHWEH, shatters the enemy."
- Exodus 15:1-6

(The first canticle of Moses is a shout of joyful thanksgiving.  It is, at the same time, a profession of faith.  The psalmist says: "Happy are the people who know how to praise."

The liberated people had no reason to glory in themselves at this victory which belonged to GOD and to Moses, the man of faith.  It is proper for them only to give thanks to GOD.

Revelation will recall this canticle [Revelation 15:3] in the vision of the elect and martyrs of CHRIST, saved from their weakness and crowned with glory.

The ancient religions [and also modern people] celebrate feasts in accordance with the rhythm of nature: feasts of the moon, of summer, of rain, of birth.  On the other hand, the feasts in the Scriptures celebrate the marvels which GOD did to save them.  If it is good to praise GOD for the wonders of nature, even more should we recognize HIM in the events of history.  Let us give thanks to GOD, before anything else, for the great and small events that show HIS Reign coming among us.)

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