Sunday, May 26, 2024

JESUS And The Rich MaN

"Just as JESUS was setting out on HIS journey again, a man ran up, knelt before HIM and asked, 'Good Master, what must I do to have eternal life?'

JESUS answered, 'Why do you call ME good?  No one is good but GOD alone.  You know the commandments: Do not kill; do not commit adultery; do not steal; do not bear false witness; do not cheat; honor your father and your mother.'  The man replied, 'I have obeyed all these commandments since my childhood.'
Then JESUS looked steadily at him and loved him; and HE said, 'For you, one thing is lacking.  Go, sell what you have, and give the money to the poor; and you will have riches in heaven.  Then, come, and follow ME.'  On hearing these words, his face fell, and he went away sorrowful, for he was a man of great wealth." - Mark 10:17-22 

(He who comes to JESUS is a young man, according to Matthew [19:16].  Luke calls him an important man [18:18].

With deliberation JESUS asks him: Why do you call ME good?  As if JESUS is saying: "Do you not see that you are thirsty for GOD and that you will find HIM if you live with ME?"  

This man asks JESUS the way that leads to eternal life; but JESUS does not have any new commandment to teach.  In the Old Testament everything had already been said about what a person should do to win eternal life: by observing the commandments of justice and compassion.  Now JESUS proposes to him a new way and a new experience of liberty, through becoming HIS follower and imitator.

Sell what you have.  Happiness does not consist in leaving all one has, but in being free of it all in order to submit oneself to CHRIST.)


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