Sunday, May 26, 2024

Make Disciples Of All Nations

"As for the eleven disciples, they went to Galilee, to the mountain where JESUS told them to go.  When they saw JESUS, they bowed before HIM, although some doubted.

All authority has been given to ME in heaven and on earth.  Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.  Baptize them in the Name of the FATHER and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you.  I AM with you always, even to the end of the world." - Matthew 28:16-20  

(JESUS sent HIS apostles to evangelize the world.  The last apparition is related in a very simple way: no sudden appearance, no fear--no physical demonstration of the reality of JESUS.  What is important are the words of JESUS Master.

Although some doubted.  With this, Matthew sums up the last apparitions of JESUS.  Not all the disciples of JESUS [the Eleven and the rest] believed so quickly in the resurrection of JESUS.

Make disciples of all nations.  JESUS, following the example of Jewish teachers of HIS time, gathered around HIM a group of disciples who lived with HIM.  The teacher knew his disciples and the disciples knew the teacher by sharing everyday life.  The same holds true today: evangelization implies interpersonal sharing.

To evangelize means to help someone ponder his former experiences until he can recognize in the person of CHRIST, in HIS death and resurrection, the truth that lights up his own life.

Those who believe will be baptized in the one Name of the FATHER and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT, the Three Persons CHRIST taught us about.  Of course, HE named them separately because the FATHER is not the SON and the SON is not the HOLY SPIRIT; in spite of that, the Three are the same GOD.  Upon entering the Church, the baptized will enter into communion with the FATHER, with the SON and with the HOLY SPIRIT.  The Church is, before anything else, communion.

See Acts 19:5 regarding baptism in the name of the LORD JESUS.

Teach them to observe all that I commanded you.  These instructions of JESUS have first place in Matthew's Gospel; they are in the five discourses, and we are to do the will of the FATHER just as JESUS has revealed it.

I AM with you always.  Here we find again the certitude which the name Emmanuel already expressed in 1:23: JESUS is GOD-with-us until the end of time.  The first-generation Christians thought that CHRIST would not delay in returning but at the time the Gospel was written, they already understood that history would continue; the nation of Israel rejected the salvation offered to her and only a minority believed.  JESUS was now committing HIMSELF to HIS apostles and to HIS Church and now began to build the Church of HIS apostles.

The Catholic Church is different from Protestant or Evangelical churches, because it was founded by the apostles of JESUS.  Only she feels obliged to remain united around the successors of the apostles, the bishops; this unity and continuity are at times hard to maintain, especially in situations where it would seem easier to form a new reformed community alongside her.  Obedience to the will of the FATHER is the means by which HE purifies and strengthens our faith.  JESUS is and remains "LORD" regarding the destiny of "HIS" Church.)

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