Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Journey Of GOD's People: Triumphant Hymn Of Thanks

 "Arise, O GOD, scatter YOUR enemies; let YOUR foes flee before YOU.
As smoke is blown by the wind, so blow them away; as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish before YOU.
But let the righteous be glad and exult before GOD; 
let them sing to GOD and shout for joy.
Sing to GOD, sing praises to HIS name; open the way, to HIM who rides upon the clouds; YAHWEH is HIS name.  Rejoice in HIS presence.
FATHER of orphans and protector of widows--such is our GOD in HIS holy dwelling.
HE gives shelter to the homeless, sets the prisoners free; but keeps the rebels in their jail."
Psalm 68:2-3. 4-5. 6-7

(This is the most picturesque--and obscure--of all the psalms.  In the liturgy, it particularly celebrates the Ascension of CHRIST.  And no wonder: it is a hymn fit for the climax victory of GOD, fighting for HIS people and there is a wild joy, running through it.  GOD rides on the clouds but marches across the desert too.  HE feeds HIS starving people.  HE takes willing captives with HIM to HIS holy place on the hill; HIS might is in the skies.  In the same way, the Son of Man whose chariot was a cloud [Daniel 7:13, cf. Matthew 26:64] went on foot through the wilderness and fed HIS people there [John 6].  When HE ascended, HE took a host of 'captives' with HIM [Ephesians 4:8], and HIS power is felt from heaven, where HE is seated at the FATHER's right hand.

This psalm is adequate to celebrate our liberation, as we journey toward the Promised Land.) 

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