Saturday, December 31, 2022

Reject The Antichrist

 "My dear children, it is the last hour.  You were told that an antichrist would come; but several antichrists have already come, by which we know that it is now the last hour.

They went out from us, though they did not really belong to us.  Had they belonged to us, they would have remained with us.  So, it became clear, that not all of us were really ours.

But you have the anointing from the Holy One.  So that all of you have true wisdom.

I write to you, not because you lack knowledge of the truth, but because you already know it, and lies have nothing in common with the truth." - 1 John 2:18-21 

(To be sure we are walking in the light, we must reject the antichrist and remain steadfast in the faith and in what faith teaches.  The believers of John's days knew that before the glorious return of CHRIST, an antichrist would appear.  John says: the person who denies that JESUS is the CHRIST already is an antichrist.  Today there are still many people who make a distinction: on one hand the JESUS, lost in the mist of legend and on the other hand an idealized CHRIST adored by believers.  John says: "The one who has come in history, HE HIMSELF is eternal GOD."


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