Tuesday, December 20, 2022


 "From Paul, a servant of JESUS CHRIST,
an apostle called and set apart for GOD's Good News,
the very promises HE foretold through HIS prophets in the Scriptures
regarding HIS Son, who was born in the flesh a descendant of David,
and has been recognized as the Son of GOD endowed with Power,
upon rising from the dead through the Holy Spirit.
Through HIM, JESUS CHRIST our LORD, and for the sake of HIS name,
we received grace, and mission in all the nations for them to accept the faith.
All of you, the elected of CHRIST, are part of them;
you, the beloved of GOD in Rome, called to be holy:
May GOD our FATHER and the LORD JESUS CHRIST give you grace and peace."
- Romans 1:1-7 
(Recognized as the Son of GOD.  Another possible translation: constituted or designated as Son of GOD.  That does not mean that JESUS was not the Son of GOD before HIS resurrection, but HE was so really one of us that nothing of HIS divinity showed.  On the day of resurrection, the Spirit of GOD "invaded" HIS human nature: from now on HE is present and active in our history as the Son of GOD.)

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