Tuesday, November 30, 2021

They Tried To Achieve Their Own Righteousness

 "My brothers and sisters, I wish, with all my heart, that the Jews be saved, and I pray to GOD for them.  I can testify, that they are zealous for GOD, but this is not the way.  They don't know GOD's way of righteousness, and they try to achieve their own righteousness: this is why they did not enter GOD's way of righteousness.  For CHRIST is the aim of the law, and it is, then, that the believer reaches this righteousness." - Romans 10:1-4

(Paul continues to develop the same theme of Israel's unbelief using the Jewish method of discussion of the time.  He distinguishes in Scripture various lines of thought.  Apparently a great number of Old Testament texts only speak of fidelity in keeping the commandments but other texts make more of the gratuity of GOD's gift.  This once more makes clear that there is not "one" religion of the Scriptures: it is not enough to read any text and take it literally [which is called "fundamentalism"].  Scripture gives us a series of testimonies where we recognize a path and a pedagogy from GOD.  Throughout the centuries and in different cultures, Jewish and then Greek, HE leads HIS people to the fulness of truth.)


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