Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Mattathias Unleashes The Holy War

 "In the meantime, the king's representatives, who were forcing the Jews to give up their religion came to Modein to organize a sacred gathering. 

While many Israelites went to them, Mattathias and his sons drew apart.

The representatives of the king addressed Mattathias, and said to him: 'You are one of the leaders of this city, an important and well-known man, and your many children and relatives follow you.  Come now, and be the first to fulfill the king's order, as the men of Judah have already done, and the survivors in Jerusalem as well.  You and your sons will be named friends of the king and the king will send you gold, silver and many other gifts.'

But Mattathias answered in a loud voice: 'Even if all the nations included in the kingdom should abandon the religion of their ancestors and submit to the order of king Antiochus, I, my sons and my family will remain faithful to the Covenant of our ancestors.  May GOD preserve us from abandoning the law and its precepts.  We will not obey the orders of the king nor turn aside from our religion either to the right or to the left.'

When he finished speaking these words, a Jew came forward, in the sight of everyone, to offer incense on the altar that was built in Modein, according to the king's decree.  When Mattathias saw him, he was fired with zeal.  His heart was stirred; and giving vent to his righteous anger, he threw himself on the Jew and cut the man's throat on the altar.  At the same time, he killed the king's representative who was forcing the people to offer sacrifice; and then tore down the altar.  In doing this, he showed his zeal for the law, as Phinehas had done with Zimri, son of Salu.

Mattathias then began to proclaim loudly in the city: 'Everyone who is zealous for the law and supports the Covenant, come out and follow me!'  Immediately he and his sons fled to the mountains and left behind all they had in the city.

Many Jews who looked for justice and wanted to be faithful to the law went into the desert." - 1 Maccabees 2:15-29


(The entire book will deal with the war under the leadership of the Maccabean family, namely, Mattathias' sons.  Here we have the story of the rebellion of Mattathias, the priest who suddenly becomes the leader of the persecuted.

I, my sons and my family will remain faithful to the Covenant.  Their motive is religious and national at the same time: Mattathias risks everything against a totalitarian power.  Once again, GOD shows HIS kindness toward HIS people, by making the needed leader emerge, a man who, like Moses, sides totally with the people, when he could have easily obtained the favor of the powerful.)


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