Sunday, May 10, 2020

See, I Lay In Zion A Chosen And Precious Cornerstone; Whoever Believes In HIM Will Not Be Disappointed

"HE is the living stone, rejected by people, but chosen by GOD, and precious to HIM; set yourselves close to HIM, so that, you, too, become living stones, built into a spiritual temple, a holy community of priests, offering spiritual sacrifices that please GOD, through JESUS CHRIST.  Scripture says: See, I lay in Zion a chosen and precious cornerstone; whoever believes in HIM will not be disappointed.
This means honor, for you who  believed, but for unbelievers, also the stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone and it is a stone to stumble over, a rock which lays people low.  They stumble over it, in rejecting the word, but the plan of GOD is fulfilled in this." - 1 Peter 2:4-8 
(GOD's presence in HIS people is the stone which stands out and on which, all those who neither saw nor took notice of HIM, stumbled [Isaiah 8:14].  In another sense, JESUS is the stone rejected by the builders, which becomes the foundation of a new building: this is the new people of GOD that arises from the remnant of Israel and then extends to all nations.  Christians are the stones of this Church: living stones because each one shares the life of GOD, and because each one has an active part to play in the Church, the body of CHRIST [Ephesians 4:12-16].)


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