Tuesday, May 05, 2020

JESUS Claims To Be The Son Of GOD

"The time came for the feast of the Dedication.  It was winter, and JESUS walked back and forth in the portico of Solomon.  The Jews then gathered around HIM and said to HIM, 'How long will YOU keep us in doubt?  If YOU are the Messiah, tell us plainly.'  JESUS answered, 'I have already told you, but you do not believe.  The works I do in MY FATHER's name proclaim who I AM, but you don't believe because, as I said, you are not MY sheep.
MY sheep hear MY voice and I know them; they follow ME and I give them eternal life.  They shall never perish, and no one will ever steal them from ME.  What MY FATHER has given ME, is greater than all things else.  To snatch it out of the FATHER's hand, no one is able!  I and the FATHER are One.'" - John 10:22-30 

(When Scripture speaks of the Shepherd, it usually refers to GOD HIMSELF, the only king of Israel, but sometimes means the King-Messiah sent by GOD.  JESUS spoke of only one shepherd.  Though distinct from the FATHER, HE is one with HIM.

In the Scriptures angels are sometimes called sons of GOD, and JESUS remarks that the rulers are called gods.  Because of this, JESUS did not like to be proclaimed Son of GOD.  HE speaks forcefully in saying: the FATHER is in ME, and I in the FATHER:  equal to equal.  At the same time that HE stresses HIS divine power [vv. 15, 18, 29, 38], HE also affirms HIS total dependence on the FATHER.  In this we recognize GOD the Son.)


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