Monday, May 04, 2020

Long For GOD, As A Deer Longs For Flowing Streams

"As a deer longs for flowing streams,
so my soul longs for YOU, O GOD.
My soul thirsts for GOD, for the living GOD.
When shall I go and see the face of GOD?
Day and night, my tears have been my food,
as people ask me, day after day,
'Where is your GOD?'"
- Psalm 42:2-4

(Ask GOD for the desire for heaven.   We, too, like the Levite, are exiles here below, as long as we do not see the face of GOD.  It is good that we are not too quickly satisfied with a few beautiful ceremonies.

Long for GOD, as a deer longs for flowing streams, and our happiness will last forever and not just for long.)

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