Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Victory, Which Overcomes The World, Is Our Faith

"All those, who believe that JESUS is the Anointed, are born of GOD; whoever loves the FATHER, loves the Son.  How may we know, that we love the children of GOD?  If we love GOD and fulfill HIS commands, for GOD's love requires us to keep HIS commandments are not a burden
because all those born of GOD overcome the world.  And the victory, which overcomes the world, is our faith." - 1 John 5:1-4 

(GOD-Love is the one who asks us to believe in HIS Son, and faith is a victory.  John wrote the Book of Revelation to give hope to persecuted believers, showing them the victory they share with CHRIST simply because they believe in HIM.  John repeats the same thing here in a different way.

Our greatest victory is to attain our inheritance as children of GOD and to reach the eternal life of GOD HIMSELF.  Those who believe in CHRIST have already come to the Truth, to GOD.)


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