Sunday, January 19, 2020

Cure Of A Leper

"One day, in another town, a man came to JESUS covered with leprosy.  On seeing JESUS, the man bowed down to the ground, and said, 'LORD, if YOU want to, YOU can make me clean.'
Stretching out HIS hand, JESUS touched the man and said, 'Yes, I want to.  Be clean.'  In an instant, the leprosy left him.  Then JESUS instructed him, 'Tell this to no one.  But go, and show yourself to the priest.  Make an offering for your healing, as Moses prescribed; that will serve as evidence for them.'
But the news about JESUS spread all the more; and large crowds came to HIM, to listen and to be healed of their sickness.  As for JESUS, HE would often withdraw to solitary places and pray." - Luke 5:12-16 
(Make an offering for your healing.  The same law that demanded that a leper be isolated [Leviticus 13:45], provided that if the leper was healed, he could, after examination by the priests be reintegrated into the community.  Because leprosy was seen as GOD's punishment, healing meant that GOD had forgiven the sinner who was to express his gratitude with a sacrifice.

HE would often withdraw to solitary places and pray.  Luke mentions JESUS' prayer several times [3:21; 6:12; 9:28...]  JESUS did not withdraw only to be still, but because, on each occasion, prayer was a necessity for HIM.)


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