Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Story Of Hannah

"After they had eaten and drunk in Shiloh, Hannah stood up not far from Eli, the priest whose seat was beside the doorpost of YAHWEH's house.  Deeply distressed she wept and prayed to YAHWEH and made this vow: 'O YAHWEH of Hosts, if you will have compassion on YOUR maidservant and give me a son, I will put him in YOUR service for as long as he lives and no razor shall touch his head.'
As she prayed before YAHWEH, Eli observed the movement of her lips.  Hannah was praying silently; she moved her lips but uttered no sound and Eli thought Hannah was drunk.  He, therefore said to her: 'For how long will you be drunk?  Let your drunkenness pass.'  But Hannah answered: 'No my lord, I am a woman in great distress, not drunk.  I have not drunk wine or strong drink, but I am pouring out my soul before YAHWEH.  Do not take me for a bad woman.  I was so afflicted that my prayer flowed continuously.'  Then Eli said, 'Go in peace and may the GOD of Israel grant you what you asked for.'  Hannah answered, 'Let your maidservant deserve your kindness.'  Then she left the temple; and when she was at table she seemed a different woman.
Elkanah rose early in the morning and worshiped before YAHWEH with his wives.  Then they went back home to Ramah.  When Elkanah slept with his wife, Hannah, YAHWEH took compassion on her, and she became pregnant.  She gave birth to a son and called him Samuel because she said: 'I have asked YAHWEH to give him to me.'" - 1 Samuel 1:9-20 

(It all starts with an ordinary couple living a familiar drama in a hill town.

The woman, in an inferior situation, as it will always be in Israel, is only worth the children she bears.  A man has as many wives as he is able to maintain.  Elkanah loves Hannah.  YAHWEH listens and not only gives a son to Hannah but also a prophet for HIS people.

GOD likes to choose HIS servants precisely from those families who have no hope of having children.  It is GOD who gives life to the dead and hope to those who have none.  The same happens with the birth of Isaac and John the Baptist [Luke 1:5].  In the book of Isaiah is a poem which starts with these words: "Rejoice, O barren woman who has not given birth!" [Isaiah 54:1].)


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