Wednesday, August 21, 2019

We Thank GOD For The Blessings Received And We Enkindle Our Trust In HIM

"The KING rejoices in YOUR strength, O YAHWEH, and exults in YOUR saving help.
YOU have granted HIM HIS desire; YOU have not rejected HIS request.
YOU have come to HIM with rich blessings; YOU have placed a golden crown upon HIS head.
When HE asked, YOU gave HIM life--length of days forever and ever.
HE glories in the victory YOU gave HIM; YOU shall bestow on HIM splendor and majesty.
YOU have given HIM eternal blessings, and gladdened HIM with the joy of YOUR presence."
- Psalm 21:2-7

(This is another psalm that requires transposition.  But now, the victory is won and we think of the ascended CHRIST, in HIS immortal and glorified body.  But the war is not over yet: the spoils have to be safely guarded in.  CHRIST has not retired to enjoy HIS triumph. HE sits at the right hand of GOD, but GOD is everywhere.  So CHRIST is still Emmanuel, GOD with us.  HE is much more with us because the restrictions of space and time, have been taken from HIS body.  This indeed is what the Ascension means: not a going but a more powerful coming, not a withdrawal but an active presence.  So we have no reason to fear!  GOD is in charge and need we look for more?  For all this, our psalm is a great thanksgiving song.

The Messiah is crowned with "glory and dignity" [Hebrews 2:9] and HE has been glorified [John 13:31].  With this psalm, we thank GOD for the blessings received and we enkindle our trust in HIM.)


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