Monday, August 12, 2019

Do Not Be Afraid Little Flock!

"Do not be afraid, little flock, for it has pleased your FATHER to give you the kingdom.  Sell what you have and give alms.  Get yourselves purses that do not wear out, and an inexhaustible treasure in the heavens, where no thief comes and no moth destroys.  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." - Luke 12:32-34 
(Do not be afraid little flock.  Nowhere in the Gospel does JESUS lead us to believe that with time most people will be converted.

We know that the non-Christian world is numerically much more important than the "Christian" world and it grows more rapidly.  When large numbers in the "Christian" world give up the practice of religion, we understand that the Church is both a sign and a little flock.

JESUS asks each one of us to be detached from earthly things and HE also asks the same of the flock.  What matters for the church is not the building of powerful institutions nor the holding of key posts in society "for the greater glory of GOD."  A Church which awaits the return of the Master is careful to be ready to pack their bags, wherever it may be, when the LORD will send them out and ask them to become missionary again.

Sell what you have and give alms.  Are ordinary people convinced that the Church has done this?  Christians rejoice when their bishop and pastors condemn injustice and remind them of the rights of the working class and the marginalized.  It is not enough for us to preach to others.  GOD asks justice of the world and poverty of HIS Church.  Our call for justice will not be heard as long as the Church does not accept for herself the whole Gospel.)


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