Friday, August 23, 2019

'HE Has Sent ME To Give Good News To The Poor, To Announce Freedom To Prisoners...'

"Blessed are they whose help is the GOD of Jacob,
whose hope is in YAHWEH their GOD,
maker of heaven and earth, the sea and all they contain.

YAHWEH is forever faithful;
HE gives justice to the oppressed
and gives food to the hungry.
YAHWEH sets the prisoners free.

YAHWEH gives sight to the blind;
YAHWEH straightens the bent.
YAHWEH protects the stranger;
sustains the widow and the orphan.

YAHWEH loves the virtuous;
but HE brings to ruin the way of the wicked.

YAHWEH will reign forever,
your GOD, O Zion,
from generation to generation.  Alleluia!"
- Psalm 146:5-10

(GOD shows the faithfulness of HIS love, for all those who are weak and inclined to seek their salvation in the powerful.  Also, for those who are in a situation of disadvantage because of others [oppressed, hungry, or captive] or because of illness [blind or fainting] or because of other circumstances of life [migrants, orphans and widows] benefit from the loving faithfulness of a GOD.  The programmatic discourse of JESUS, in the synagogue of Nazareth: 'HE has sent ME to give Good News to the poor, to announce freedom to prisoners...' [cf. Luke 4:17-22], updates the theme of this psalm.  GOD is the one who liberates the poor.  The more we are convinced of this, the more shall we try to share the LORD's thoughts, placing our lives at the service of the marginalized, the hungry and the humiliated.)


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