Wednesday, May 22, 2019

I Give You A New Commandment

"MY children, I AM with you for only a while; you will look for ME, but as I already told the Jews, now I tell you: where I AM going you cannot come.  I give you a new commandment: Love one another!  Just as I have loved you, you also must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are MY disciples, if you have love for one another.'" - John 13:33-35 
(I give you a new commandment.  That is to say, a commandment appropriate for the advent of a new era.  The Old Testament spoke of interior fidelity to GOD and love of neighbor, but this message often remained hidden among the complexities of the law.  Besides, there are many ways of loving: even a fanatically religious person can claim to be loving GOD.  In the New Testament JESUS says that love of GOD is the highest law.  The example given by the LORD during HIS earthly life reminds us of the way to love.

Love that is like GOD's aims at liberating our neighbor and enabling her to fully develop her God-given gifts.  Love like the LORD's helps the neighbor become what GOD wishes her to be, by passing trough death to resurrection.

Moreover, when we go deeper into the mystery of divine love revealed to us through JESUS, our love becomes merged with the eternal love of GOD that alone, in the end, shall permeate all we do.  True love comes from GOD and makes us return to unity within GOD.)


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