Wednesday, March 06, 2019

We Present Ourselves As Ambassadors In The Name Of CHRIST

"So we present ourselves as ambassadors, in the name of CHRIST, as if GOD, HIMSELF, makes an appeal to you, through us.  Let GOD reconcile you; this, we ask you, in the name of CHRIST.  HE had no sin, but GOD made HIM bear our sin, so, that, in HIM, we might share the holiness of GOD.
Being GOD's helpers, we beg you: let it not be in vain, that you received this grace of GOD.  Scripture says: At the favorable time I listened to you, on the day of salvation I helped you.  This is the favorable time, this is the day of salvation." - 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2 

(We present ourselves as ambassadors in the name of CHRIST.  This is not only true of the apostles and Paul.  It is also meant for us when we go to visit the sick or the needy; when, overcoming suspicion, we approach our brother or sister to create an atmosphere of confidence, so that, shortly, we may arrive at fraternal fellowship with others who have the same problems but who, in spite of that, often remain locked in their selfishness.

HE had no sin.  It is difficult to translate Paul's words: "HE made sin HIM who did not know sin," for obviously Paul here speaks according to Hebrew culture where the same word denotes both the sin and the victim who carries the sin.  Paul recalls the mystery of the cross: reconciliation is not achieved without voluntary victims who take on themselves the hatred and the sin of humankind.)


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