Sunday, March 17, 2019

"This Is MY Son, MY Beloved, Listen To HIM."

"About eight days after JESUS had said all this, HE took Peter, John and James, and went up the mountain to pray.  And while HE was praying, the aspect of HIS face was changed, and HIS clothing became dazzling white.  Two men were talking with JESUS: Moses and Elijah.  Appearing in the glory of heaven, Moses and Elijah spoke to JESUS about HIS departure from this life, which was to take place in Jerusalem.
Peter and his companions had fallen asleep; but they awoke suddenly, and they saw HIS glory and the two men standing with HIM.  As Moses and Elijah were about to leave, Peter--not knowing what to say--said to JESUS, 'Master, how good it is for us to be here!  Let us make three tents, one for YOU, one for Moses and one for Elijah,'  And no sooner had he spoken, than a cloud appeared and covered them; and the disciples were afraid as they entered the cloud.  Then these words came from the cloud, 'This is MY Son, MY Beloved, listen to HIM.'  And after the voice had spoken, JESUS was there alone.
The disciples kept this to themselves at the time, telling no one of anything they had seen. - Luke 9:28-36 
(Recall the divine revelation JESUS received at the beginning of HIS ministry [Luke 3:21].  This other divine manifestation JESUS receives at the Transfiguration is due to the beginning of a new stage: the Passion.

JESUS has already been preaching for two years, but there is no hope that Israel will overcome the violence that will lead to its ruin.  Even if JESUS' miracles do not convince HIS compatriots, JESUS will have to face the forces of evil: HIS sacrifice will be more effective than HIS words in arousing love and the spirit of sacrifice in all the people who will continue HIS saving work in the future. 

HE went up the mountain to pray.  It is quite possible that it was during a night of prayer that the event that JESUS expected took place.  This transfiguration of JESUS has first of all a meaning for HIMSELF.  JESUS did not know everything beforehand; HE was not spared doubts and anxieties.  It does not seem that the FATHER manifested HIMSELF with abundant favors for HIM: JESUS served without expecting heavenly rewards.  On this occasion however HE received certitude concerning the purpose of HIS mission.

For the apostles it is a decisive witness that will help them to believe in the Resurrection.  [The letter headed "Second Letter of Peter" makes no mistake when it insists on this witness of GOD, even if done in an awkward way [2 Peter 1:17], because it claims to be written by Peter himself].  It is a fact that many persons throughout history have been considered as prophets or even as "the" prophet, but none of them have pretended to have a witness from GOD in his favor, other than his own successes.  JESUS counted on witnesses, beginning with John the Baptist.  In all biblical revelation faith is supported by these witnesses.  Here it is Moses, the founder of Israel, and Elijah, father of prophets, who recognize JESUS.

Luke tells us that Moses and Elijah spoke to JESUS about HIS departure [in Greek this is "exodus"].  JESUS then becomes the new Moses who will bring GOD's people from this world of slavery to the Promised Land.

This is MY Son.  Here, JESUS appears as the one for whom Moses and Elijah were waiting, the one for whom they had prepared, even if for this moment they can console HIM for HE still carries the weakness of our human condition.)


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