Monday, March 25, 2019

"Here I AM. It Was Written Of ME In The Scroll. I Will Do YOUR Will, O GOD."

"... and never, will the blood of bulls and goats take away these sins.
This is why, on entering the world, CHRIST says: YOU did not desire sacrifice and offering; YOU were not pleased with burnt offerings and sin offerings.  Then I said: 'Here I AM.  It was written of ME in the scroll.  I will do YOUR will, O GOD.'
First HE says: Sacrifice, offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings YOU did not desire nor were YOU pleased with them--although they were required by the law.  Then HE says: Here I AM to do YOUR will.
This is enough to nullify the first will and establish the new.  Now, by this will of GOD, we are sanctified, once, and for all, by the sacrifice of the body of CHRIST JESUS." - Hebrews 10:4-10 

(These verses say that we passed from a religion where everything is a continual beginning again to a new state where we are in the definitive now.  Here we have an aspect of the Christian faith that is not easy to accept.  Are we alone holding the definitive truth in the midst of so many religions in which all presume to have the truth?  Are we in a definitive situation when every day we fall into the same sins?  Are we the definitive people of GOD when the Christian witness in the world is so far from convincing?  No one will answer our doubts on this point: our only hope is to personally enter more deeply into the Christian experience.)


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