Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Tombs Were Opened And Several Holy People Who Had Died Were Raised To Life!

"O YAHWEH, the nations will revere YOUR name, and the kings of the earth YOUR glory,
when YAHWEH will rebuild Zion and appear in all HIS splendor.
For HE will answer the prayer of the needy and will not despise their plea.
Let this be written for future ages, 'YAHWEH will be praised by a people HE will form.'
From HIS holy height in heaven, YAHWEH has looked on the earth to hear the groaning of the prisoners, and free those condemned to death.
Then the name of YAHWEH will be declared in Zion, and HIS praise in Jerusalem,
when the peoples and the kingdoms assemble to worship HIM." 
- Psalm 102:16-23

(The LORD indeed freed those condemned to death when JESUS cried out again in a loud voice and gave up HIS spirit [Matthew 27:50].  At that time, 'tombs were opened and several holy people who had died were raised to life' [Matthew 27:52].  Therefore, unlike the Psalmist wo seems very hurt and afflicted, let us rejoice and give thanks and book our place in heaven.)


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