Monday, August 20, 2018

Ezekiel's Wife Dies

"The word of YAHWEH came to me in these terms, 'Son of man, I AM about to suddenly take from you the delight of your eyes, but you are not to lament or weep or let your tears flow.  Groan in silence and do not mourn for the dead; wear your turban, put on your sandals, do not cover your beard or eat the customary food of mourners.'
I spoke to the people in the morning and my wife died that evening.  The next morning I did as I had been commanded.  Then the people said to me: 'Explain to us the meaning of your actions.'  I said to them, 'The word of YAHWEH came to me in these terms: 'Say to Israel: I AM about to profane MY Sanctuary, your pride, the delight of your eyes for which you long.  The sons and daughters you left behind will also fall by the sword, but you will do as I have done: you will not cover your beard or eat the customary food of mourners; you will keep your turbans on your heads and sandals on your feet.  You will not lament or weep.  Instead, because of your sin, you will waste away and groan among yourselves.  Ezekiel will be a sign for you.  Do as he did; and when this happens, you will know that I AM YAHWEH.'" - Ezekiel 24:15-24 

(Once again, the prophet uses his own situation to announce the fall of Jerusalem which will lose its wealth and its inhabitants.
The prophet's personal trial in his marriage can be compared to similar occurrences of other prophets.  The prophets discover that GOD is the true Spouse.  GOD's passionate and faithful love for HIS people is the model for married love.  Since prophets become the mouthpiece and the representative of GOD, all that they do become a sign.  Thus, they cannot seek a happy marriage as long as Israel, YAHWEH's bride, turns her back on her GOD.
And so, before Jeremiah, another prophet, Hosea, only knew the suffering of the betrayed husband in his home and he had to constantly forgive his adulterous wife [Hosea 3:1].  Jeremiah will have neither wife nor children; it is not fitting for him to marry at the very time the first covenant is being destroyed.  Later, neither John the Baptist, nor the apostle John, nor Paul will marry: this will become a sign.  Thus, they will help us understand that they only live for the coming marriage of CHRIST and HIS glorified Church, of which marriage is only an image.)  

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