Monday, August 06, 2018

The Foundation Of Faith

"Indeed, what we taught you about the power, and the return of CHRIST JESUS our LORD, was not drawn from myths or formulated theories.  We, ourselves, were eyewitnesses of HIS majesty, when HE received glory and honor from GOD, the FATHER, when, from the magnificent glory, this most extraordinary word came upon HIM: 'This is MY beloved Son, this is MY Chosen One.'  We, ourselves, heard this voice from heaven, when we were with HIM on the holy mountain.
Therefore, we believe most firmly in the message of the prophets, which you should consider rightly, as a lamp shining in a dark place, until the break of day, when the Morning Star shines in your hearts." - 2 Peter 1:16-19 

(What we taught you... was not drawn from myths or formulated theories.  Faith is not based on reasons and theories.  we believe in what the apostles saw and in the prophets' words.  It is true that through the centuries the understanding of the consequences of faith has developed, situating it within the realities of life, there has also been a constant effort to express what faith is in the language of our day.  Nevertheless we continue holding and believing the mystery of CHRIST in the way the apostles believed and understood it.)


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