Thursday, August 31, 2017

Night And Day We Pray

"What a consolation for us, brothers and sisters, in the midst of our troubles and trials, this faith of yours!  It is a breath of life for us, when you stand firm in the LORD.  How can we thank GOD enough, for all the joy  that we feel before GOD, because of you?  Day and night, we beg of HIM, to let us see you again, that we may complete the instruction of the believers.
May GOD, our FATHER, and JESUS, our LORD, prepare the way for us to visit you.  May the LORD increase, more and more, your love for each other and for all people, as HE increases our love for you.  May HE strengthen you, internally, to be holy and blameless before GOD, our FATHER, on the day that JESUS, our LORD, will come with all HIS saints." - 1 Thessalonians 3:7-13 

(May the LORD increase more and more your love for each other and for all people.  Love manifests itself first within the community and then it must be expanded to all people.

Note also Paul's constant preoccupation: his apostolic mission does not allow him to remain in any community.  He is always moving, leaving his work unfinished, but he entrusts his converts to the grace of GOD that does not suppress the freedom of the recent converts nor the work of the Tempter in the world.)


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