Thursday, August 17, 2017



When Israel came out of Egypt,
the family of Jacob,
from a people of foreign language,
Judah became HIS Sanctuary;
Israel, HIS possession.

At HIS sight, the sea fled
and the Jordan retreated;
the mountains skipped like rams,
the hills frolicked like lambs.

Why is it, sea, that you flee?
Jordan, that you turn back?
Mountains, that you skip like rams?
Hills, that you frolic like lambs?"
- Psalm 114:1-6

The Wedding At Cana

(Our GOD is not a helpless idol.  HE is the living GOD--alive and in constant activity.  That we are alive is the result of HIS action.  As if the river were to run backwards, as if the solid mountains were to jump up and down--so astonishing it is that GOD should come to people, to make them share HIS life. 

The exit from Egypt and the entrance into the Promised Land is the basic creed of Israel.  With this hymn, we can celebrate the core of our faith: the passing, the Passover of the LORD.  The wonders of GOD are also seen in JESUS, at the wedding feast in Cana where water was changed into wine in John 2:9 and in Mark 14:24, JESUS changed wine into HIS Blood.  And to date the miracle continues to take place in the Eucharist.)

The Eucharist

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