Tuesday, August 15, 2017

HE Must Reign

"But no, CHRIST has been raised from the dead, and HE comes before all those who have fallen asleep.  A human being brought death; a human being also brings resurrection of the dead.  For, as in Adam all die, so, in CHRIST, all will be made alive.  However, each one in his own time: first CHRIST, then CHRIST's people, when HE comes.
Then, the end will come, when CHRIST delivers the kingdom to GOD the FATHER, after having destroyed every rule, authority and power.  For HE must reign and put all enemies under HIS feet.  The last enemy to be destroyed will be death.  As Scripture says: GOD has subjected everything under HIS feet." - 1 Corinthians 15:20-27 
(Whoever shares the faith of the apostles has accepted Resurrection as a fact.  Paul immediately goes to the consequences for us: shall we also enter another life?

For as in Adam all die.  The myths of various religions in the past projected onto some mysterious personage our own condition, but were unable to do more than give a meaning to life.  They could not change it.  Faith instead tells us that the Son-of-GOD-made-human has lived among us and lived for all of us.  Let us leave aside our individualistic vision in which each one sees no more than his own destiny: for GOD the entire venture of creation and salvation is that of Adam, one and multiple at the same time.  JESUS who is HIMSELF Man has lived it fully for all of us.

Then the end will come, when CHRIST delivers the kingdom to GOD the FATHER.  Here again, let us leave aside simplistic images.  Let us remember that there is only one GOD.  Here, the Son is the word of GOD made flesh who has taken on HIS shoulders the whole history of humankind.  HE who is eternally returning to the FATHER from whom HE is born brings to the eternity of GOD all creation.  There will not be a re-beginning of history.  GOD will be all in all, we will receive GOD from GOD and we will have all, finally becoming ourselves.  That, surely, surpasses all we could have imagined, but Paul adds: The last enemy to be destroyed will be death.  John will say the same in Revelation [21:4].)

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