Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Love Of GOD Be With All Of You

"Finally, brothers and sisters, be happy, strive to be perfect, have courage, be of one mind and live in peace.  And the GOD of love and peace will be with you.  Greet one another with a holy kiss.  All the saints greet you.
The grace of CHRIST JESUS the LORD, the love of GOD and the fellowship of the HOLY SPIRIT be with you all." - 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 

(Paul ends his letter in affirming his authority.  JESUS had spoken of a testimony coming both from the apostles and the Holy Spirit; in the same way Paul ends his defense appealing to a discernment which will be the work of the Spirit: verify, examinerecognize.  Without a doubt it should be the same in the Church and at all levels; we cannot resolve conflicts or decide on orientation by arguments or votes only.  We must necessarily have, besides reflection, times of silence, of true prayer and listening to the word of GOD.

Notice the "trinitarian" formula in 13:13.)


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