Friday, June 02, 2017

Sing Joyfully, O Israel!

"Cry out with joy, O daughter of Zion; rejoice, O people of Israel!  Sing joyfully with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem!
YAHWEH has lifted your sentence and has driven your enemies away.  YAHWEH, the King of Israel is with you; do not fear any misfortune.
On that day, they will say to Jerusalem: Do not be afraid nor let your hands tremble, for YAHWEH your GOD is within you, YAHWEH, saving warrior.  HE will jump for joy on seeing you, for HE has revived HIS love.  For you HE will cry out with joy, as you do in the days of the feast.
I will drive away the evil I warned you about, and you will no longer be shamed." - Zephaniah 3:14-18 
The Annunciation
(Cry out with joy, O daughter of Zion; YAHWEH, the King of Israel, is with you; do not fear any misfortune.  In the Gospel of Luke, the same words are addressed to Mary at the Annunciation: "Rejoice, the LORD is with you.  Do not fear, Mary, you will bear the Savior" [Luke 1:28].)

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