Sunday, June 25, 2017

Fear No One

"There is nothing covered that will not be uncovered.  There is nothing hidden that will not be made known.  What I AM telling you in the dark, you must speak in the light.  What you hear in private, proclaim from the housetops.
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but have no power to kill the soul.  Rather, be afraid of HIM who can destroy both body and soul in hell.  For a few cents you can buy two sparrows.  Yet not one sparrow falls to the ground without your FATHER knowing.  As for you, every hair of your head has been counted.  Do not be afraid: you are worth more than many sparrows!
Whoever acknowledges ME before others, I will acknowledge before MY FATHER in heaven.  Whoever rejects ME before others, I will reject before MY FATHER in heaven." - Matthew 10:26-33 
(We are cowards and JESUS is aware of this.  HE has already said, "Do not fear," when HE invited us not to look for security in money.  Now, dealing with the fear of repression, HE adds, "If you cannot free yourselves from cowardice, consider where the greater threat comes from, from GOD or people?"

This is the only time JESUS refers to "fear of GOD."  When the Old Testament mentioned fear of GOD, it generally meant giving due respect to GOD.  Respect is far from fear.  Respect is an attitude proper to a free person.  GOD does not threaten to throw us into hell; rather HE reminds us that to lose HIM is to lose ourselves also, and this is hell.

Whoever acknowledges ME.  After stressing the sovereign power of HIS FATHER, JESUS puts HIMSELF on the same level.  HE will decide our eternal fate.  JESUS refers not only to recognizing HIM in the ultimate sense, that is, by not denying our Christian faith before others; HIS words also convey a day-by-day demand.  We must not be ashamed to act or talk as people of faith, to go public about our Christian convictions when necessary.)

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