Monday, February 20, 2017

The Word Of GOD Is The Foundation Of Wisdom

Hi! and happy good first day of the week to all of us, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" this Monday:

THE GOOD NEWS (20 February 2017)
"All wisdom comes from the LORD and endures with HIM forever.
The grains of sand, the drops of rain and the days of eternity, who can count them?
The height of heaven, the extent of the earth and the depths of the abyss, who can measure them?
Wisdom was created before all things and the prudent intellect before the beginning of time.
To whom was the source of Wisdom revealed?  Who has known her secret designs?
One alone is wise and greatly to be feared.  The One who is seated upon HIS throne.
The LORD HIMSELF created Wisdom.  HE looked on her and knew her value.  HE poured her out over all HIS works; upon all mortal beings, in accordance with HIS goodness.  HE lavished her on those who love HIM." - Sirach 1:1-10 
The Foundation Of Wisdom

(In this poem, the author professes his faith.  To those who think they are more modern because they seek human wisdom and doctrine, he simply declares that true wisdom consists in trusting GOD and fearing HIM.

He often speaks of fearing the LORD just as the Psalms do.  This is different from the fear of pagans who imagine a resentful GOD.

To fear GOD is to see HIM always present and to take decisions in HIS presence.  Whoever knows GOD is near fears to offend HIM because he is aware of HIS love and fidelity.  To fear GOD signifies to respect HIM and to be mindful of HIM before all else.

Fearing the LORD is the opposite of fearing what others will say, fearing to be made fun of, or fear of failure.  Those who fear the LORD give more importance to what GOD says, what HE promises when HE invites us to seek HIM and to save others.)

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