Hi! and happy good Tuesday to all of us, GUYS. Our "food for the soul" today:
THE GOOD NEWS (28 February 2017)
"Keeping the law is worth many offerings. Being faithful to the commandments is like a peace offering.
Returning kindness is an offering of fine flour; giving alms is a sacrifice of praise.
Renouncing sin pleases the LORD, and shunning injustice is a sacrifice of atonement.
Do not appear before the LORD with empty hands. The commandment requires that you bring an offering.
When the offering of the righteous is burned on the altar, the fat drips down and a fragrant aroma rises to the Most High.
The sacrifice of the just man pleases GOD and will not be forgotten. Honor the LORD with a generous heart and do not be stingy with the first fruit of your harvest.
Offer your gifts with a smiling face and when you pay your tithes do it gladly.
Give to the Most High as HE has given to you; give generously to the LORD according to what you have; the LORD will repay, HE will reward you sevenfold.
If you attempt to bribe HIM with gifts HE will not accept them; do not rely on offerings from dishonest gain.
The LORD is judge and shows no partiality." - Sirach 35:1-12
(We must generously assist in the cost of worship as long as it is not a way of forgetting our responsibilities concerning injustice in our world. The LORD is pleased with our sacrifices but, above all, HE hears the prayer of the orphan and sees the tears of the widow.)