Thursday, October 20, 2016

"I Carry The Heart Of My GOD And The GOD Of My Heart Everywhere."

Hello! and happy good Thursday to all of us, GUYS.  Our "food for the soul" today:

THE GOOD NEWS (20 October 2016)
"And now I kneel in the presence of the FATHER from whom every family in heaven and on earth has received its name.
May HE strengthen in you the inner self through HIS Spirit, according to the riches of HIS glory;
may CHRIST dwell in your hearts through faith;
may you be rooted and founded in love.
All of this so that you may understand with all the holy ones the width, the length, the height and the depth - in a word, that you may know the love of CHRIST that surpasses all knowledge, that you may be filled and reach the fullness of GOD.
Glory to GOD who shows HIS power in us and can do much more than we could ask or imagine; glory to HIM in the Church and in CHRIST JESUS through all generations for ever and ever.  Amen." - Ephesians 3:14-21  

(And now I kneel... without further delay, Paul moves from his presentation to prayer.  Such is the way of the interior person who is not satisfied with thinking about GOD or talking about HIM as if HE were an object.  The Spirit preserves in him the awareness of this Presence that gives him life.  As St. Teresa said: 'I carry  the heart of my GOD and the GOD of my heart everywhere.'

The FATHER from whom every family in heaven and on earth has received its name.  Our time has greatly devalued "the FATHER" with the obsession of an authority that would smother the personality of its children.  This is not Paul's way: he marvels before the One who alone is from all eternity.  The FATHER is the source of the divine being, from HIM comes the order and the mystery of the divine persons.  From HIM the universe draws its riches.  Paul, speaking of the common destiny of all peoples, recalls that each one of them, every family, has received its name from the FATHER, which means its identity and its dignity.

Certainly we must recognize that the word FATHER no longer has the same meaning as in Paul's time, when father was given a greater authority and respect.  Once woman found her rightful place in the family and in society we are inclined to speak of  "parents" rather than of "father."  Yet it is not by chance that GOD revealed HIMSELF in a culture - that of the Hebrews - where GOD was a masculine figure.  Indeed they had already passed the primitive culture in which the woman was the center of family and the religion subsequently gave highest place to a female divinity.  Among the neighboring peoples gods and goddesses went together.  So GOD could have revealed to them with diverse faces, but this HE did not do.  Even if the Bible states that in GOD are all the riches of paternal and maternal love [Isaiah 49:14], it keeps to the word FATHER.  In so doing it insists on the liberty and initiative of GOD in all that HE does: the universe and we ourselves have not come from GOD as a spontaneous "emanation," as naturally born from the bosom of all-powerful divinity.  Everything was a lucid and creative decision.

Therefore, the family, with parental authority, is the basis of society, and fatherhood is also seen in the Church: the succession of bishops, with the authority of the hierarchy not dependent on people's votes, is part of the divine order in the Church.  A society which does not acknowledge fathers and which scorns marriage, as well as "spontaneous" churches, are devious structures.

The love of CHRIST that surpasses all knowledge.  Paul is certainly thinking of the love CHRIST has shown and continues to show him personally even in proportion to his trials.  The knowledge and experience of this love surpasses all that could ever be imagined.  We shall not find it through books and study or transcendental meditation.  It will be freely given to us, on GOD's initiative, on the way of love which CHRIST made HIMSELF the model of the center.)  


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