Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Children, Parents, Servants And Masters

Hi! and happy good mid-week to all of us, GUYS.  Our "daily bread" this Wednesday:

THE GOOD NEWS (26 October 2016)
"Children, obey your parents for this is right: Honor your father and your mother.  And this is the first commandment that  has promise: that you may be happy and enjoy long life in the land.  And you, fathers, do not make rebels of your children, but educate them by correction and instruction which the LORD may inspire.
Servants, obey your masters of this world with fear and respect, with simplicity of heart, as if obeying CHRIST.  Do not serve only when you are watched or in order to please others, but become servants of CHRIST who do GOD's will with all your heart.  Work willingly, for the LORD and not for humans, mindful that the good each one has done, whether servant or free, will be rewarded by the LORD.
And you, masters, deal with your servants in the same way, and do not threaten them, since you know that they and you have the same LORD who is in heaven, and HE treats all fairly." - Ephesians 6:1-9 

(Paul reminds children that GOD asks for obedience, and parents that they must not neglect their duty as educators.  Parents have the difficult task of leading their children to true freedom, teaching them first to obey a law, to serve rather than be served, to share rather than demand.  Later, they will show them how to follow the calls of the Spirit, well beyond what is considered good or bad all around them.

Paul reminds the slave of his nobility.  Let him live without servility: this is the first step toward genuine liberation.)  

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