Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Trials Of An Apostle

 "We are concerned, not to give anyone an occasion to stumble or criticize our mission.  Instead, we prove, we are true ministers of GOD, in every way, by our endurance in so many trials, in hardships, afflictions, floggings, imprisonment, riots, fatigue, sleepless nights and days of hunger.

People can notice, in our upright life, knowledge, patience and kindness, action of the Holy Spirit, sincere love, words of truth, and power of GOD.  So we fight with the weapons of justice, to attack, as well as to defend.

Sometimes, we are honored, at other times, insulted; we receive criticism as well as praise.  We are regarded as liars, although we speak the truth; as unknown, though we are well known; as dead, and yet we live.  Punishments come upon us, but we have not, as yet, been put to death.  We appear to be afflicted, yet always joyful; we seem to be poor, but we enrich many; we have nothing, but we possess everything!" - 2 Corinthians 6:3-10 

(A distinctive sign of the apostle of CHRIST: the contrast between the treasure entrusted to him for others, and his own existence hardly enviable and truly unenvied.  Like JESUS, he is a sign of contradiction.  Paul recalls what he must endure, but does not hide his pride and his conviction: we enrich many, and we possess everything.)


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