Thursday, June 24, 2021

Cure Of A Leper

 "When JESUS came down from the mountain, large crowds followed HIM.

Then a leper came forward.  He knelt before HIM and said, 'Sir, if you want to, YOU can make me clean.'  JESUS stretched out his hand, touched him, and said, 'I want to, be clean again.'  At that very moment, the man was cleansed from his leprosy.  Then JESUS said to him, 'See that you do not tell anyone; but go to the priest, have yourself declared clean, and offer the gift that Moses commanded as evidence for them.'" - Matthew 8:1-4 

(In this new section of his Gospel [8:1-9:35] Matthew has placed a collection of miracles.  For him, these miracles are not only extraordinary events: they contain lessons on what a disciple of JESUS is.  To begin with: the cure of a leper; on the part of JESUS this is an act of courage, and an act that openly violates the law of purity [see Mark 1:40].)  


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