Tuesday, June 08, 2021

In HIM All The Promises Of GOD Have Come To Be A Yes

 "GOD knows that our dealing with you is not Yes or No, just as the Son of GOD, CHRIST JESUS, whom we--Silvanus, Timothy and I--preach to you, was not Yes and No; with HIM it was simply Yes.  In HIM all the promises of GOD have come to be a Yes, and we also say in HIS name: Amen! giving thanks to GOD.  GOD, HIMSELF, has anointed us and strengthens us, with you, to serve CHRIST; HE has marked us with HIS own seal, in a first outpouring of the Spirit, in our hearts." - 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 

(In HIM all the promises of GOD have come to be a Yes.  GOD fulfilled HIS promises when HE sent HIS Son among us.  CHRIST also did only what HIS FATHER wanted.  Thus, CHRIST is a 'Yes' consenting to the FATHER's plan.  From there, Paul draws the consequences for Christians.  In baptism we say the first Yes to CHRIST.  At every Eucharist we repeat the same Yes.  The "Amen" that we say in prayers means Yes, it is true.  The opposite of all this is sin which is the same as saying 'No' to CHRIST.

In a first outpouring.  Paul actually says: HE gave us the first payment of the Spirit.)


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