Wednesday, June 09, 2021

The Power And Holiness Of GOD

 "Extol YAHWEH, our GOD; worship at HIS footstool.  Holy is HE!  And mighty!
Among HIS priests were Moses and Aaron; and Samuel, among those who called on HIS name.  They called to YAHWEH, and HE answered them.
In the pillar of cloud HE spoke to them; and they kept HIS statutes and the decrees HE gave them.
O YAHWEH our GOD, YOU responded to them; YOU were a patient GOD for them; but YOU punished their wrongs.
Extol YAHWEH our GOD; worship at HIS holy mountain.  Holy is YAHWEH our GOD!"
- Psalm 99:5-9

(Our GOD is Almighty, infinitely above our world--but not remote from it.  On HIS word, the world depends.  HIS law is the rule of life.  And the Church is the place of contact between the Holy GOD and people called to be holy.

Holiness does not mean evasion from the world, but commitment to it.  Those who pray this psalm, desire the Name of GOD to be sanctified and the world to be transformed by divine holiness.)

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