Sunday, June 27, 2021

GOD Did Not Make Death Nor Does HE Rejoice In The Destruction Of The Living

 "GOD did not make death, nor does HE rejoice in the destruction of the living.  Since HE has created everything, all creatures of the universe are for our good; there is no deadly poison in them and the netherworld has no dominion over the earth, because justice is immortal.

Indeed GOD created man to be immortal in the likeness of HIS own nature, but the envy of the devil brought death to the world, and those who take his side shall experience death." - Wisdom 1:13-15--2:23-24 

(GOD did not make death nor does HE rejoice in the destruction of the living.  HIS creation is good and at the service of humankind.  Death does not come from GOD as is explained in 2:23, but rather from the envy of the devil.  So, we are asked to look confidently to the LORD: to think well of HIM is to deny all these false questions: Why does GOD allow evil, death, earthquakes and tragedies?  GOD wants only life.

Those who take his side shall experience death.  Those who do evil begin to experience death.  There is a physical wearing down caused by vice [alcoholism, licentiousness], but there is an even greater deterioration of enthusiasm, generosity and trust.  "The person who sows for the benefit of his own flesh shall reap corruption and death from the flesh" [Galatians 6:8].  See also Romans 6:21.

The text considers what JESUS will do; that behind a mass of evil that tear humanity, and  behind our disbelief there is a presence of "the Enemy" [see Matthew 13:39; Hebrews 2:14-15].)


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