Saturday, November 16, 2024

Pray And Never Lose Heart

"JESUS told them a parable to show them that they should pray continually and not lose heart.  HE said, 'In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared GOD nor people.  In the same town was a widow who kept coming to him, saying:  'Defend my rights against my opponent.  For a time he refused, but finally he thought:  'Even though I neither fear GOD nor care about people, this widow bothers me so much I will see that she gets justice; then she will stop coming and wearing me out.' 
And JESUS explained, 'Listen to what the evil judge says.  Will GOD not do justice for HIS chosen ones who cry to HIM day and night even if HE delays in answering them?  I tell you; HE will speedily do them justice.  Yet, when the Son of Man comes, will HE find faith on earth?" - Luke 18:1-8  

(If there is a just GOD, why does HE not do justice?  JESUS answers:  Do you desire and ask for the justice of GOD with enough faith?  HE will undoubtedly do justice, but you will have to wait.

A judge who neither feared GOD nor people:  many people upon seeing what is unjust and absurd in life, view GOD this way.  If we pray with perseverance, we will gradually discover that things are not as absurd as they seem, and we will come to recognize the face of the GOD who loves us in what happens.
Who cry to HIM day and night.  JESUS, who so insists on our responsibility to the world, is the one who also urges us to call on GOD Day and night.  Why are people so readily divided [or why do we divide them] into prayers and doers?
Will HE find faith on earth?  JESUS confirms an opinion already found among the Jews of HIS days.  In the last days before Judgment, the power of evil will be so great that in many love will grow cold.
In fact, with the first coming of JESUS, the Old Testament ended in seeming failure; few had believed in HIM and, later, most were influenced by the confusion, the false saviors and the violence which precipitated the fall of the nation forty years after the death of JESUS.)

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